The characteristic of the aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery is shaping through augmentation and reduction. Dr. Almir Nácul’s work with Bioplasty has contributed a lot to the arsenal of this specialty. Through easy-to-do procedures, it offers satisfying results hardly obtained in secondary surgeries besides the countless primary cases solved without the invasive action of traditional surgeries. To Dr. Nácul, for his pioneer work, his colleagues’ regards and recognition.Dr. Ricardo Boroudi,National President of SBCP (1971-1972 AND 1978-1979)
Bioplasty is the plastic surgery of our millennium: it turns science into art and into a simpler surgery with more natural results.Dr. Munir Curi,National President of SBCP (1994-1995)
There are two kinds of plastic surgery procedures: • The easy-to-diagnose but difficult-to-do ones—these are the surgical procedures; • The difficult-to-diagnose but easy-to-do ones—like Bioplasty.Dr. Aymar Sperli,National President of SBCP (1973-1974)
For a long time it has been a pleasure to follow Dr. Nácul’s struggle for a constant search for the best aesthetic results with less surgical aggression. In this new edition, we can find more knowledge looking for this ideal through Bioplasty. No doubt Dr. Nácul has been the harbinger of this new fascinating technique for both doctors and patients.e que Almir Nácul foi e é o precursor desta nova técnica que tanto tem encantado pacientes e cirurgiões.Dr. Walmor Feijó,Ex-Diretor Clínico do Hospital de Defeitos da Face SP
Bioplasty represents a great advancement for the aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery.Prof. Dr. Fausto Viterbo,São Paulo Regional President of SBCP (2002-2003)
No doubt bioplasty is one more method in the plastic surgeon’s arsenal to correct minor defects and to enhance facial beauty. Time will follow its course to show the validity of this method.Dr. Paulo Keiki Matsudo,Titular Member of SBCP (Brazilian Plastic Surgery Society)
Bioplasty has come to help corrections of difficult solution in a simple and safe way if well performed.Dr. Oromar Moreira Filho,Minas Gerais Regional President of SBCP (2002-2005)
Bioplasty means a no-incision aesthetic refinement without drama.Dr. João Francisco do Valle Pereira,Santa Catarina Regional President of SBCP (1986-1989)
Medical Bioplasty is a new chapter of modern Plastic Surgery. With less traumatic techniques, its results increase satisfaction for both doctors and patients.Dr. Abrahão Szuchmacher,Titular Member of SBCP (Brazilian Plastic Surgery Society)
Simplifying is only possible to those who do their best to reach patience, wisdom and understanding. Here is Bioplasty, the procedure we have followed since its beginning for more than a decade, delighting patients and practitioners. Congratulations, Dr. Almir Nácul.Dr. Antônio Arcanjo Batuíra Tourniex,São Paulo Regional President of SBCP (1992-1993)
A small portion to a miraculous solution.Dr. Rodrigo Dieça Neves,Titular Member of SBCP (Brazilian Plastic Surgery Society) - Titular Member of ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) - Titular Professor of Plastic Surgery at the Federal University of Santa Catarina - Titular Member of Santa Catarina - Titular Member of Santa Caratina Medicine Academy
Bioplasty, more than a solution for special situations, reveals its potential thanks to its great creativity and the special ability of Dr. Almir Nácul, the creator.Dr. Ithamar Nogueira Stocchero,São Paulo Regional Precisent of SBCP (2004-2005)
Plastic surgery in its most sophisticated techniques nowadays is based fundamentally on removal of exceeding fat, tissue rotation and tension. Bioplasty offers us the possibility of creating new lines and contours, filling up empty spaces. No doubt it will open new horizons for our creative action in the human body, and—who knows—it will make a revolution in plastic surgery in the future.Dr. José Carlos Daher,Federal Disctrict Regional Presidente of SBCP (1982-1983)
Bioplasty, when used with the criteria of right indication, adequate material and technique, trustworthy product and—most important—allied to a surgeon’s experience and good sense, offers interesting results. Definitely it does not replace the scalpel but it solves in a simpler way problems that before used to need more complex surgical procedures, mainly for the correction of secondary deformities and other minor problems.Dr. Henry Friedhofer,Titular Member of SBCP (Brazilian Plastic Surgery Society)
(…) Bioplasty is revolutionary for its applications in difficult-to-treat cases such as poliomyelitis sequelae, HIV-positive patients, not mentioning facial paralysis, etc. And similarly in the reconstructive procedures of the serious and complicated sequelae of nasal surgeries. Bioplasty benefits have a wide range. For, besides correcting imperfections, it rejuvenates and embellishes without cuts or stitches. Enhancement of body and face beauty with harmonious lines awarding mouth, nose, chin, profile, facial contour, hand aging, etc., these are the privileges of Bioplasty in the practice of Bioplasty. (…) Bioplasty in the right dose is wonderful!Dr. Moisés Wolfenson,Titular Member of SBCP (Brazilian Plastic Surgery Society)
(…) The new tendency of permanent injectables, named Bioplasty by Nácul, has been increasing a lot in the recent years mainly due to its simple application together with minimal surgical invasion, thus occupying an important role in today’s plastic surgeons’ arsenal. (…)Dr. Luiz S. Toledo,Titular Member of SBCP (Brazilian Plastic Surgery Society)
Bioplasty will probably be a great aid to the improvement of plastic surgery as long as all limits of safety and rules of good science are respected.Dr. José Humberto Cardoso Resende,Second National Vice-President of SBCP (2006-2007) - Rio de Janeiro Regional President of SBCP (2002-2003)
Dr. Nácul — an example of professional who has simplified the link between art and plastic surgery. Bioplasty—a technique that helps or adds to the face and body surgery, making imperfection correction less traumatic, and beauty more accessible to patients. More than a concept, a reality. A procedure that has brought a new focus to our noble Specialty, allowing beauty to be more refined, and imperfection correction more accurate.Dr. José Carlos de Miranda,Paraná Regional President of SBCP (1982-1983 and 2002-2003)
It is with great honor that I see the renown of Bioplasty. As any other innovation, its initial incredibility has turned into one of the greatest medical triumphs today. The patient’s participation suggesting adjustments during the procedure and the results immediately perceived have made Bioplasty an exceptionally satisfying technique for both the doctor and the patient. To my master, Dr. Nácul, my admiration, my gratitude and my applause.Dra. Cristina Moreno,Pathologist